Meet the team

Batheaston Medical Centre is made up of a range of healthcare professionals who help you with your health needs.

Our friendly and helpful team are here to help you manage your health and wellbeing, and make sure you have access to healthcare services in the local area. Meet our team below.

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Healthcare Team

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Community Midwives

The midwife holds a weekly ante-natal clinic at the practice. Please phone 01225 858686 and leave a message with reception, who will advise you. You can also contact the community midwives on 01225 824669.

Community Nurses

District nurses see patients at home who need nursing help but are too ill to attend surgery. If you are in need of a visit please telephone 01225 858686 and leave a message with the receptionist.

Health Visitors

Health visitors are particularly concerned with the health of expectant mothers, children under five, families with disabilities and health promotion and advice sessions. They have an office in the practice but spend a lot of time visiting families. Please contact them on 01225 831829 for an appointment or with your health queries. There is an answer phone should they be out on their rounds.

Bath Independent Practices Primary Care Network

Batheaston Medical Centre works closely alongside the other Practices who are members of the BIP PCN, Fairfield Park Health Centre and Widcombe Surgery.  Together we employ staff who work for all three practices:

Pharmacists – Katy Seager, Antigoni Gerantzi and Dafni Panopoulou

Our Clinical Pharmacists help the  doctors at the surgery with prescribing queries, carry out medication reviews and address patient safety issues. They also undertake annual reviews for people with Hypertension, Cardiovascular disease (CVD) and Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) with the advanced training to prescribe new medications as required.

Pharmacy Technicians – Lisa Jones and Saira Searle

Our Pharmacy Technicians supports the Clinical Pharmacist with administering medication queries and changes.

PCN Mental Health Practitioner – Katie Oliver

Katie offers consultations to patients who are suffering with anxiety, depression or who are struggling with any mild form of mental illness.

PCN Social Prescriber – Rachel Jarai

Rachel offers support to patients who have social needs such as housing issues, financial problems, loneliness or isolation.  She is able to support patients and signpost them to the help that need.

PCN First Contact Physiotherapist – Jack Dawkins

Patients are able to see Jack without the need to be referred by a GP.  As well as saving GP appointment time, this enables the patient to access a physiotherapist much earlier than if they had booked with a GP in the first instance.

PCN Paramedics – Jason Beazer and Jim Burn

Jason and Jim visit our patients who are acutely ill and unable to come to the surgery.  They work closely with our GPs and support them to assess the patients and decide whether they need urgent medication or hospital admission.  Jason and Jim also visit our chronic housebound patients, give seasonal vaccinations, as well as help with long term conditioning monitoring.

Healthcare Assistants

Our team also includes trained Health Care Assistants – Sally and Jane. Our HCA team can help you with: Blood pressure checks NHS Health Checks Phlebotomy ECGs Some injections Removal of stitches/staples

Book an appointment

You can book an appointment online to see your GP or one of our nurses.